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Inlägg taggade ”r4s”

Skriverier då och då, på webben sedan 1994.

Light or dark?

Posted 2022-05-16 22:11. Tagged , , , , .

I’ve had a light and a dark theme on this site since I switch from python to rust. But until now I have only used css @media selection to enable the dark theme, so it hasn’t been very discoverable. If you have a browser that supports the prefers-color-scheme query and you have found that setting and enabled dark mode, you have seen this site in the dark theme (and may not know that it had a light theme), otherwise you have seen the site in the light theme (and not known about the dark).

Read whole Light or dark?.

Tracker-free youtube embedding

Posted 2022-04-03 18:04. Tagged , , , , , .

Sometimes I want to embed a video on my site. Most of the videos I want to embed are on youtube. Klicking “share” on a video and choosing embed, I get a bunch of html code I can copy into a post. Something like this, for example:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/3St1CoH1rKU"
  title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"
  allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

Read whole Tracker-free youtube embedding.

Ny blogmjukvara

Publicerad 2022-01-16 22:07. Taggat , , , , .

Jag har skrivit ny blogmjukvara igen! Den förra hette r5, som i Rasmus (utan 5 bokstäver). Den nya är skriven i Rust (källkodsfilerna heter .rs), så det kändes naturligt att kalla den r4s, också som i Rasmus (men utan 4 bokstäver 😎).

Nu får vi se om ett nytt kul blogprogram får mig att skriva fler blogposter.

Läs hela Ny blogmjukvara med 1 kommentarer.