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Posts tagged “django”

Reminiscing this and that, on the web since 1994.

Nicer URL mappings in Django

Posted 2013-05-11 17:15. Last updated 2018-01-05 14:00. Tagged , , .

URL mappings in django consists more or less of a list of (regex, handler) tuples, if the regular expression matches the requested URL, the handler is used to serve the request. The regular expressions themselfes tends to be rather long and not as readable as I would want them to. Let’s see if we can fix that.

Read whole Nicer URL mappings in Django.

Tech update on Rasmus.krats.se

Posted 2011-07-21 15:00. Tagged , , , .

I’ve run a little django on this site for a long time beside the actual content (which was static files, created with make and xslt). Now I’ve gone all out and run the entire site in django.

At the same time, I’ve modernized the markup using some semantic html5. Some javascript and css should make it work even in browsers that doesn’t really support it (like MSIE 8 and older). The graphical design has got an update to, even if it remains rather similar to the way it has looked since 2009. I hope it is both nice looking and useable on both big screens and small phones.

This also means that comments is enabled on the site again, after having been disabled for a while.

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Comment on rasmus.krats.se

Posted 2008-08-30 09:05. Tagged , , , .

Now you can write comments on my pages! I only allow comments from logged-in users. Of course, you don’t want to create yet another web account that you have to remember the password for. I understand that. I don’t want to administrate yet another user database either.

The solution is OpenID. Now one account, in a central place you select, is enough for any number of web sites! (or one for each pseudonym you choose to use).

Read whole Comment on rasmus.krats.se.