Posted 2008-01-21 20:50. Last updated 2008-03-07 19:30. Tagged boktips, comics, serier, Echo, Terry Moore.
Strangers in Paradise is ended. Luckily, that doesn’t mean that Terry Moore has stopped making comics. His new project is ECHO, and by what I’ve seen so far, it certainly seems exciting!

What’s known about the story is that the main character (who happen to look a bit like Katchoo in SiP) is out in a dessert taking photographs, when she is surprised by some kind of rain. Whatever the rain is, it’s not water.
I’ve ordered Echo at my favorite comic store, it’s expected in early march and in the current Previews ordering batch now, and heartily recommend you all to do the same!
Out now!
The first issue of Echo has reached Sweden, and I’ve got my copy. The format is “USA comic issue”, i.e. way to short. But the content is good and boding well for the series! Compared to SiP, this seems to be a step in the “super-hero” direction, even if every person is plain human.
The pictures are well drawn, beautiful and realistic. As you’d expect after reading SiP.
I’m already eagerly awaiting issue number 2 …
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