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Posts from 1996

Reminiscing this and that, on the web since 1994.


Publicerad 1996-02-27 12:00. Taggat .

WebMail är ett litet program för att skicka brev från websidor. Det tar data från en form och skickar per epost.

Läs hela WebMail.


Posted 1996-05-03 12:00. Last updated 2002-07-09 12:00. Tagged , .

XkBiff is my attempt at a biff program that understands kpop. When there is mail, it pops up another window featuring the From and Subject fields of the mails.

Update 2002-07-09: The XkBiff project is discontinued and no longer maintained, mainly because I don’t even use POP anymore. If you want to use it, you probably have to fix it as well.

Read whole XkBiff.

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